How to Write Art Descriptions That Will Sell Your Art

Art is everything, the image says it all and words are not needed. If this is what you think, think again.
With most artists now using the internet to display their work, potential buyers need an ‘extra’ to feel your art is the work to possess. They want to feel a connection. Telling them what makes your art special most definitely helps. A good description of your art is a must in this digital age and will sell your work. Don’t forget to include your biography! People like to know where you are coming from.
So, what should be part of your description? Here are the vital ingredients and this is how you do it:
Tell about your background
Paint your story with words. To feel a connection, the potential buyer likes to know who you are. Tell the viewer about your background and formation. Are you self-taught, did you visit a famous or not so famous art school? Did you grow up in the city, or in the country? Explain how this has influenced you. Tell your story. About where art started for you – was art normal at home and encouraged, or were you expected to become a bookkeeper in the family firm and was art a later personal discovery?
Where there any specific circumstances leading to your urge to create? Events or landscapes leaving a lasting impression, your father taking you to the harbour on Sundays and showing you skylines and ships, your mother seeing your drawings and talent? Or maybe you ran away from home and discovered the world of paint, photography or sculpture by chance. Tell your reader what happened. A compelling story attracts attention.
Tell about your inspiration
Yes, beauty is subjective. But for others it is always fascinating to hear how the muse works. Tell them what the source is of your inspiration. Was there a moment in history that grabbed you? Did you nearly miss a boat in a French harbour town when you lost concept of time taking photos of a master piece statue, suddenly seeing the play of light and shadow? What led you to use the medium you work with, and the style and colours? What do you actually feel when you are creating your art? Passion, freedom, fury?
Tell your readers what the story is behind your art and how you have arrived at the result. And if you have a specific message to the world: write it down!
You don’t have to be a born writer
What you write about your background and inspiration does not have to be high literature. But a good text helps, and this is how you do it:
- Write the text concept, the first draft, without worrying about every dot and comma. Follow our tips above and write down what comes to mind.
- Take a break. It always helps to create some space between what you have just written, and the next version.
- Rereading, look out for repetition. People get bored easily. Keep your final draft compact.
- Now check your spelling and grammar. Make sure the end result is free of spelling mistakes. Spelling mistakes will make your text -and you- look unprofessional. If spelling or editing is an obstacle, professional services are available. Please see our editorial services.
Some more tips:
- Be aware of the power and possibilities of search engines. In your texts and product titles, use words people may use searching for your type of art. Read up on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
- Include a text section with facts: size of your artwork, material and technique, delivery details. With an account on Online Gallery, this is all easily added.
- So, our tips worked. You have displayed your art beautifully and your texts did the rest. Now be open to direct contact with the art lover, who could be your next client. Online Gallery encourages this direct contact.