The 40 historical photos that you must see

The photo made a dramatic change in the way we see history. Historical photos, like images in this post, bring a moment from the past closer. Books, paintings, drawings and other media document history much further back, but nothing beats a photo to give you that sense of reality. Please check the 40 historical photos that you must see
1. Unknown soldier in Vietnam, 1965

2. Competition organizers attempt to stop Kathrine Switzer from running in the Boston Marathon, becoming the first woman to finish this marathon, 1967

3. The graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband separated by a wall, the Netherlands, 1888

4. Painters of the Brooklyn Bridge, 1914

5. The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun's tomb, 3245 years untouched, 1922

6. Albert Einstein, NassauPoint,Long Island, New York, Sumer1939

7. African-Americans protest against the Vietnam war during the Harlem Peace March, 1967

8. Salvador Dali kisses Raquel Welch's hand after finishing his famous portrait of her, 1965

9. Nikola Tesla in his laboratory, next to his "Magnifying Transmitter", 1899

10. Audrey Hepburn in a grocery store with her deer 'Ip', Beverly Hills, 1958

11. Painters of the Eiffel Tower, 1932

12. The last known photo of the Titanic Above Water, 1912

13. Customers at a music store in London, 1955

14. "Wait for me daddy!" by Claude P. Dettloff inNew Westminster, Canada, 1 oktober 1940

15. The very first metro ride, Edgware Road Station, London, 1862

16. Norway receives their first delivery of bananas, 1905

17. Easter eggs for Hitler, 1945

18. Coca-Cola arrives in France, 1950

19. The Beatles play for 18 people in the Aldershot club, one and a half years later they were superstars, December 1961

20. Che Guevara And Fidel Castro fishing, 1960

21. "Into the Jaws of Death" by Robert F. Sargent, 1944

22. Girl with her doll sitting in the ruins of her bombed house, London, 1940

23. Three men run in the marathon at the first modern Olympic Games, 1896

24. Women deliver ice cubes, 1918

25. First morning after Sweden changed from driving on the left to the right side of the road, 1967

26. Newspaper boy Ned Parfett sells the evening newspaper with the news that the Titanic has sunk the night before, 16 April 1912

27. Women paint propaganda posters, Port Washington, New York, July 8, 1942

28. George Blind, a member of the French resistance, smiles at a German firing squad, 1944

29. The real Winnie de Pooh and Christoper Robin, 1927

30. Mother hides her face in shame after offering her children for sale, Chicago, 1948

31. Disneyland canteen for employees, 1961

32. The man who refused to give the Hitler salute, 1936

33. Man measures bathing suits, if they were too short, the women were fined, 1920

34. Austrian boy in a moment of pure happiness after receiving new shoes during the Second World War

35. Elvis Presley in the army, 1958

36. Woman with a gas resistant pram, England, 1938

37. Huge crowd at Woodstock, 1969

38. Animals are used as part of medical therapy, 1956

39. 106-year-old Armenian woman guards her house, 1990

40. Charlie Chaplin at the age of 27, 1916

Text: Sanne van Daele