Editorial Services
We have built a beautiful website for you to display your art in the best possible way. A good presentation is vital in the art world. An important part is your written biography. Art lovers seeing your work on Online Gallery want to know more. Tell them what your background is and what drives you.
Do you find it difficult to write a good text? We can help.
Or get interviewed by us!
Get Interviewed
For even more exposure it is possible for the artist to be interviewed by one of our expert journalists.
The interview will be published on Online Gallery. Because of our high ‘Page Authority’ the content of our international art platform appears high in the important search engines such as Google.
Rewrite your biography
Your written biography is important. Tell your public about your background. Explain the meaning of your art work and how you arrived at the result. If it applies, explain which techniques you used. Your biography should be concise but complete, and interesting to read.
Do you find it difficult to write your biography? Or is grammar an obstacle? We can help!
Send us your rough draft and our editor will rewrite. The text on your profile will be a professional one.