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A powerful poem by Nelson Mandela about letting go

5 December - 2018
by Vincent Moleveld


"Letting Go" is a poem by Nelson Mandela, the iconic South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and former President. The poem reflects on the importance of letting go of grudges and bitterness in order to find peace and happiness. Through its powerful and poignant words, the poem inspires readers to look beyond their differences and embrace the humanity in others, reminding us that the only way to truly heal and move forward is by letting go of the past.

Letting go

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring: it means I can't do it for someone else. 

To let go is not to cut myself off; it is the realization that I can't control another. 

To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences. 

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands. 

To let go is not to try to change or blame another; I can only change myself. 

To let go is not to care for, but to care about. To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive. 

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being. 

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging outcomes, but to allow others to effect their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be protective; it is to permit another to face reality. 

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and to cherish the moment. 

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone, but to try to become what I dream I can be. 

To let go is not to regret the past,but to grow and live for the future. To let go is to fear less and love more. 

Nelson Mandela (18 juli 1918 - 5 december 2013)

"Letting Go" is a poignant and powerful reminder of the importance of forgiveness and release. Nelson Mandela's words offer a message of hope and unity, encouraging us to let go of grudges and bitterness and embrace the humanity in others. Through its moving verse, the poem inspires us to find peace and happiness by recognizing that holding onto the past only hinders our ability to move forward. A truly inspiring work, "Letting Go" serves as a timeless call to action for all of us to strive for unity and understanding.