Nigel Abbey
About Nigel Abbey
I was born in London and grew up in Surrey, England. At the age of twelve my family moved to Scotland to a small village just outside of Glasgow. I still have strong feelings and love for Scotland and especially for the Glaswegian people with their warmth and humour. I attended Glasgow School of Art as an external student studying drawing and Painting.
In 1968 I left home to attend a Foundation Art & Design Course at Carlisle College of Art in the north of England. I was then fortunate to gain a place at Hornsey College of Art in London, a prestigious and renowned Art School where I graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Art and Graphic Design.
I spent over forty years as a Design Consultant working in commercial art with well known companies and brands eg Shell, BMW, Alcan, Glaxo, also many smaller entrepreneurial businesses.
In 2017 I decided to concentrate more time on my own art projects giving me the freedom to express my creativity more freely. One of the projects I have worked on for the past year during lockdown is a series of twenty seven creative artworks based on the lyrics of The Beatles iconic songs. I'm currently working on a second phase of this exciting project soon to be published!
I am married with two grown up daughters, one living near me in Thames Ditton, Surrey and the other daughter living in Sweden. Note my profile picture was taken in Abbey Road c 1971!
Curriculum Vitae
Surrey, England
Creative art projects. Digital and new media design, fine art prints.
Design Consultant
London and international
All kinds of creative campaigns, branding, literature
Creative Director
Frazer/Cummings/Story, Frazer/Abbey/Story
Creative Design Consultancy
Freelance designer
London studios
Commercial art
MRT Studios
Designer and Photographer
Shell Mex and BP
Designer Advertising Services
Hornsey College of Art
Degree in Art and Design
Foundation Course
Foundation in Art and Design