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Oss, The Netherlands
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Member since: 23 January 2021

About Máriusz HinTea

Máriusz Hintea was born in Tg-Mureș, Romania, he is Hungarian and he lives in the Netherlands for 11 years now.

From very early age he started drawing. At the beginning, he went to the Art school in his native town, where he entered as the best and since than he never left the Art road. After the school, he went to the University of Fine Art, section Graphic in Timisoara, Romania.

Even in the student times he won an Award, at an important contest in exhibition, named “10 years from Revolution of Timisoşoara”  - at Art Museum, Timisoara, Romania, 1999.

The University was followed by Master, also at graphic section, where He was the only one, who received the highest score for his dissertation from the jury consist by 10 docents.

After school doors were closed, parallel with artistic activity, he worked also as graphic designer on Macintosh/PC, in Hungary and then in Romania.

He also won a regional logo competition in Szeged, Hungary.

His art works are not the same, they are different from black&white to colors, from figurative to abstract, from painting until ready made, depending on the topic he approaches. He finds important in his works to have (between others), a basic idea, to tell a story, reflect the confidence in creating, to have the power of caption and determine to think!

Creation is part of his life and makes his days complete. He does what comes from inside, in order to stay Legitimate, Honest and Original! He creates because he feels so, therefore his works they don’t follow any fashion either!

He was present in a lot of group exhibitions, International Art camps, Annual exhibitions, Memorial exhibitions, Seasonal exhibitions, Online exhibitions, and Biennales:

For instance a few:

Reök Palaice, contemporary artists from Szeged, Hungary 2007

Parallax Art Fair - London 2019,

Art Takes Armory - New York, 2020

International Art Fair - Venice 2022.


He got a CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION - in the international selection of the Luxemburg Art prize - december, 2022.

Curriculum Vitae


2004 - 2004

Tresures under the sun

County Csongrád

Winner of a logo competition!

1999 - 1999

10 years from Revolution of Timisoşoara

Art Museum, Timisoara, Romania

Winner of the most important contest in that year in exhibition.


2001 - 2002

Art Master

Timisoara, Romania

1995 - 2000

Art University

Timisoara, Romania