Elena Popa
About Elena Popa
1996 - 2001 Fine Arts National Academy, Bucharest, Romania, class of professor Mircia Dumitrescu
1991 - 1995 Geophysics University, Bucharest, Romania
1999 Group exhibition, GAD Gallery, The National Theater, Bucharest, Romania
2000 Group exhibition, StudentFest, Timisoara, Romania
2000 Group exhibition, GAD Gallery, The National Theater, Bucharest, Romania
2000 Group exhibition, Mogosoaia Palace, Bucharest, Romania
2001 Group exhibition, “Highlights”, Bucharest
2001 Group exhibition, GAD Gallery, The National Theater, Bucharest, Romania
2001 Group exhibition, the Embassy of Romania in Copenhagen, Denmark
2002 Group exhibition, Iosif Iser International Engraving Biennale, Ploiesti, Romania
2002 Group exhibition, the Embassy of Romania in Sweden
2004 Group exhibition, Frankfurt, Germany
2005 Group exhibition, “Room 19”, Artis Gallery, The National Theatre, Bucharest, Romania
2006 Group exhibition, Lisabona, Spain
2007 Group exhibition, Frankfurt, Germany
2005 - 2015 Permanent Exhibition at Lido «In the Sound of Violins», Bucharest, Romania
2017 March 24 Mogosoaia Palace, Group exhibition "Colour, Image, Sound and Word - Colour Vibrations", Bucharest, Romania
2018 April 17 Galateca, Group exhibition "Genesis and continuity on Terra", Bucharest, Romania
2019 April 19 Galateca, Group exhibition "Reasoning”, Bucharest, Romania
2020 October 7-20 Sutu Palace, Exhibition “Spirituality”, Bucharest, Romania
2021 November Galery “U ART”, Exhibition “Reflection”, Bucharest, Romania
2013 - 2020 fashion campaigns, Ellen Collection, CEO
2010 – 2016 scenography for The National Theater, Bucharest, Romania
2003 - 2013 advertising campaigns, Quark Advertising, CEO
Sales in New York, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Romania.