Brigitte De Vuyst
About Brigitte De Vuyst
Brigitte is passionate about painting and drawing. She often sketches and paints on location out of doors (‘en plein air’). It is essential for her to feel a connection with the topic that she intends to convey on paper or canvas. Some of the images are later picked up in her studio to relive the atmosphere, the setting and the experience. Therefor every painting embraces a story or a memory.
It is the watercolor technique that continues to fascinate her. The material is both surprising and unpredictable and thus really fascinating. This medium is in harmony with her personality and challenges her to a higher level. However, other mediums do not deter her. In fact in her studio she also often applies acrylic and oil paint for exactly the same reason: to exceed herself and choose the most fitting medium to translate her impression into an image.
In recent years she intends to communicate to the viewer by approaching a topic in such a way as to urge the viewer to reflect.
It is all too easy for an artist to respond to the viewer’s question “What is that?”. On the contrary, she wants the viewer himself to reflect on what there is to see… Her series of abstract works ‘beyond reflection’ result from this search.
Curriculum Vitae
please click here for an overview
I took part in national and international exhibitions. Each year I have a solo exhibition in my region. The location depends on the opportunities i have.