About the work
Bert hermans made this painting entitled 'Betrayed' after a visit to Clémont (Cher, France) in September 2022. During this visit, he and his friends took a trip to Bourges. On the way, they came across this dilapidated building complex visited earlier in 2021 near the town of Presly. Bert sneaked in this time and discovered, among other things, the chapel of the former boarding school that can be seen here in the painting.
The boarding school was founded in 1920 and consisted of both a boys' school and an orphanage and was run by the Oblates of the Sacred Heart. Later in 2009, the building became a religious institution consisting of a private school, college, and high school.
In 2017, the school was closed by order of the judiciary because of, among other things, abuse by the priest-principal and some employees of pupils and because of fraud.
This painting shows an interpretation of the former chapel of the boarding school with some students. In the painting, Bert also incorporated used texts and music from one of the church books he found on the floor in the chapel. It contains, among other things (also on the painting) the sentence: 'Insurrexérunt in me téstes iniqui, et mentita est iniquitas sibi' (for unjust witnesses rebel against me, but justice has lied to itself). This text was sung by the students during Mass on Good Friday. Given the course of events with the priest-director of the boarding school, who was eventually sentenced to three years in prison, it is very bitter that the children had to sing this!