Ala Ilescu
Her mind is a kaleidoscopic madness
About the work
"Her mind is a kaleidoscopic madness" watercolor on 140 lb paper 11" x 15".
I used this original in my book "My sad is sadder than your" to illustrate this poem:
Kaleidoscope of chaos
who are we to question?
the workings of her mind
some days, she is flying
other days, twisted in a bind
she is a kaleidoscope of chaos
a colourful mosaic vase
she is a beautiful disaster
her reality, just different from ours
she has suffered through every weather
sunny days, whipping winds and biting cold
praying to be untethered
from a mind, she can't control
labelled neurotic - perhaps a bit erratic
labelled manic - but oh, so charismatic
here comes the psychosis
but what if we drop the diagnosis?
just for a moment
let's not be so serious
allow her to unleash all her hidden genius
and live freely, with her kaleidoscopic madness
would her chaos then transcend
into a peaceful life where she no longer has to pretend?
Susannah Lee