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Lid sinds: 27 mei 2021


Multi-facial art on the break of the USSR

Alisher Nasritdinov was born in 1961 in in Soviet Uzbekistan (Tashkent). The artist received a Soviet academic art education in the 80s. After completing his studies, since 1986 he is a regular participant in republican and international exhibitions. In 1988 - member of the Creative Union of Artists of the USSR. In 1991 his paintings were presented among the best works of Uzbek artists at exhibitions in European countries. The first solo exhibition of Alisher Nasritdinov was held in 1994 in Antwerp, the second in 1997 in Brücell. Called eastern erotica by Belgian newspapers, it was a great success. More recently, in December 2014, at the exhibition of the Vostok association of artists in Moscow.  

Алишер работает в различных жанрах монументальной и станковой живописи, графики, скульптуры и дизайна. В его работах можно наблюдать элементы авангарда, кубизма, сюрреализма и традиционной художественной школы, воплощенные в уникальных образах. На его творчество большое влияние оказали такие известные в мире художники, как Модильяни и Пикассо, Салахов и Тальберг, крупнейшие узбекские мастера живописи Чингиз Ахмаров и Бахадир Джалалов.В его работах можно наблюдать элементы авангарда, кубизма, сюрреализма и традиционной художественной школы, воплощенные в уникальных образах.

In many works of the artist, the theme of love is reflected in a peculiar way. Nasritdinov uses a minimum of color for this, and such a palette restriction helps to more holistically disclose what is planned. According to the author himself, themes and plots about love are intertwined in his paintings with fantastic and mythological images. When depicting the connection between earthly life and the forces of heaven, a special element in it appears the face of the moon.Sometimes the author returns to the same plot, making new interpretations ("Abduction of Europe") and each time the picture appears in a completely new form not only in composition, but also in color.As a member of the International Art Foundation, the artist actively participates in various symposia and exhibitions.  

Работы Алишера находятся в музеях и частных коллекциях Европы, Азии и Америки. А кроме того,он является автором монументальных витражей, картин, мозаик и керамических панно, украшающих архитектурные сооружения по всему миру.

