Jimi Hendrix
Over het werk
Original abstract expressionist painting by Dutch professional contemporary artist Jovan Srijemac (1962). Abstract colorful portrait of Jimi Hendrix. Serie Rock & Roll foorever, Work is painted with palette knife. Paint is expressively applied to canvas. Varnished and with certificate of authenticity
'' The chaos of ideas that have sprung up in my head, the inner energy robbed, wants it, like a volcano, to come out and become an explosion and a symphony of colors on the canvas, framed with matter, figures, faces or objects.
From the unconscious, often chaotic and explosive application of paint to the canvas, emerge: in the beginning unplanned figures, objects, portraits or an abstract composition. As with the unplanned conception of a child: birth, growing up, to personality formation and his life. We are born, grow up, and we are all framed in the body, our frame, but each one is unique in its own way. ''