Jose Antonio Higuero
Over Jose Antonio Higuero
I am from Seville, Spain. I am a Disabled and Self-taught Artist. Cartoonist of Comics as well as Contemporary Art Painter in the Neo-expressionist style, although on occasions I also paint works in the Realist style.
My style of Contemporary Art Painting is Neoexpressionism, with which I identify myself. What I do most is to draw portraits and faces of characters invented by me in this style with waxes on paper, which is the technique with which I express myself best. With my painting I intend to go deep into expressionist art and find everything that interests me in man and search in the soul of every human being who pretends as a spectator to reflect and find himself in each drawing, in each painting. In short, to find himself. I have made exhibitions of my works, and I have won some Drawing and Painting Awards from City Councils and Associations for the Disabled.
My favorite artists are Pablo Picasso, Jean Michel Basquiat, Francis Bacon, Antonio Saura, Karel Appel, Alfonso Fraile and Juan Barjola.
If you like my work, you can visit my website: https://amadeo300.wixsite.com/josanartista
2022 Painting Prize in the 3rd Artistic Expression Contest "Art to heal the soul". Mental Health Andalusia. Seville.
2020 2nd Prize for Drawing in the Xii Art Contest "Soy Capazitado 2019". Santander City Council. Spain
2019 1º Accesit In The Ix Ivass National Painting Contest. Valencia, Spain
2018 2nd Drawing Prize in the Xi Art Contest "Soy Capazitado 2018". Santander City Council. Spain
2017 Honorable Mention in the VIII Ivass National Painting Contest. Valencia, Spain
2017 2nd Prize of Painting in the Vi Plastic Arts Award. Anade Foundation. Collado Villalba. Madrid, Spain
2016 Acquisition of work in the I Contest of Artistic Expression and Mental Health: Reality and Representation 2016. Seville, Spain
2015 Painting Prize in the National Painting Contest "Puro Arte". Prosame. Burgos, Spain
2008 3rd Prize for Painting in the 51st National Painting Salon City of Ayamonte. Novel Category. Ayamonte City Hall. Huelva, Spain
2007 1st Prize for Illustration in the "I Contest of Illustrations Related to Bipolar Disorder". Astrazeneca Foundation. Madrid, Spain
2002 Prize-Acquisition of work in the V Contest "Al Margen - 2002". Huelva, Spain
1999 Prize-Acquisition of work in the Iv Contest "Al Margen - 99". Malaga, Spain
1998 1st Drawing Prize in the Iii Contest "Al Margen - 98". Seville, Spain
1993 3rd Prize for Painting in the I Painting and Sculpture Contest "Al Margen-93". Seville, Spain
1985 2nd Prize for Drawing and Honorable Mention in the 1st Youth Contest of Plastic Arts of Andalusia. Junta de Andalucia (Andalusian Government). Malaga, Spain
2022 Andalusia Mental Health Federation, Seville, Spain
2017 Santander City Council, Spain
2017 Anade Foundation. Collado Villalba. Madrid, Spain
2016 Faisem Association. Seville, Spain
2015 Prosame Feafes Association. Burgos, Spain
2008 Ayamonte City Council. Huelva, Spain
2007 Astrazeneca Foundation. Madrid, Spain
2007 Valencian Association of Bipolar Disorder. Valencia, Spain
1993 Línea Paralela Association of Plastic Artists. Seville, Spain
1985 Junta de Andalucia (Andalusian Government). Malaga, Spain