Henadzy Havartsou
Over Henadzy Havartsou
I love to travel on my own, and also annually take part in international plein airs in Poland and Slovakia, which gives new impressions and a pleasant atmosphere of communication with other artists.
As a person and as an artist, I draw a lot from my numerous travels, this is how such diverse landscapes and abstractions are created, inspired by the unique colors of different parts of the world. I am constantly on the lookout, experimenting with new painting techniques, new colors, shapes. The predominant technique is oil on canvas, made with a spatulas and brushes.
My works do not pose any limitations to the observer and do not indicate a specific point of view, but rather encourage him to create his own story, to be free in imagining, thus allowing someone to interpret art through his own feelings and emotions.
Curriculum vitae
master's degree at the Faculty of Painting and Graphics
Vitebsk. Belarus
I graduated from University of Masherov in Vitebsk, Belarus, defended my master's degree at the Faculty of Painting and Graphics