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The Role of Modern Art in Promoting Mental Health and Well-being Among Students

13 juli - 2024
door Mattew Stoll


Modern art plays a part in helping students to reduce their stress and anxiety. Exposure to it helps them to learn how to express and manage their emotions. This can result in an improvement in their mental health. It also improves their creative and cognitive abilities. Educational institutions shouldn’t hesitate to introduce modern art programs into educational curricula. The benefits for their students who face some overwhelming challenges can be significant.

What is modern art? 

Modern art breaks free of conventions and finds expression in many different forms. Drawing, painting, dance, music, and writing are all useful outlets for students. Practicing them has many benefits from improving mood to encouraging new ways of thinking. Students who battle to communicate verbally may find they can express themselves better in other ways. This helps to encourage self-esteem. 

Modern art means dedication in the form of time which is not always possible due to academic pressure. Students can approach professional online writing services to assist them. They must use reliable writing services that offer quality at an affordable price. Students who have a deep interest in art but face difficulties with doing assignments on time may needessay help so choosing the right service is crucial. They can choose an expert writer who will help them to get a quality assignment in on time. A professional writer should know how to structure an essay, quote sources, and maintain academic integrity. The time they save can be used to hone their modern art skills.

Benefits of modern art therapy 

Creating and exploring modern art as a form of therapy for students has some significant benefits.

By completely immersing themselves in the creation process, students can stop focusing on their pain or trauma. The repetitive and rhythmic nature of activities such as dance or music help to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Students can experience a release of dopamine in the act of creation that helps them overcome depression.

In Cureus, an art literature review shows that expressing art in free form can help students express their emotions and learn how to manage them. They become more self-aware and this improves their self-confidence.

Asystematic review of over 35 studies showed the benefits of art interventions. It found that in over 80% of the research, the 2,000 participants reported that their anxiety and stress improved significantly.

Creating art involves different parts of the brain communicating with one another.